Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Nursing Home Decorations - Used CDs

I teach middle school and we try to do several service learning projects in the community each year. The flowers in this picture were made from recycled CDs (who doesn't have a ton of those) and simple construction paper cut outs. We hung them on the walls of our local nursing home along with some bugs and butterflies that the kids colored. We visited with the patients and read poetry to everyone that was interested in listening.
It is amazing how something that takes such a small amount of time can be so deeply appreciated. Imagine how tickled the residents are to have teenagers take the time to decorate their hallways and visit with them. They yearn to have visitors, especially kids. It also puts the students in a positive light because they are doing something worthwhile for the community and actually really enjoy doing it.
When a lot of people each make a small difference it adds up to great things!
I never post pictures of my students online, so I could only show you the decorated hallways!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing these awesome home decoration ideas! I could use some of your ideas to beautify my home in apartments in West linn.
